As part of our program to expand knowledge and awareness, we have decided to invite someone to Marco, once a quarter, to inspire us with their experience and achievements.
Health awareness activity involving blood tests is one of the medical benefits we offer. Benefits, or perks for employees, are becoming an increasingly popular incentive system of choice for employers.
Marek Śliboda – Manager of the Year 2022! Last Thursday Dziennik Zachodni presented Bartosz Pałącarz with this unique award. We sincerely congratulate you, we are so proud!
It cost one million zlotys to launch Silesia’s first craft gin distillery. However, it will not just be a place where alcohol is made.
Marek Śliboda, by a vote of the Assembly of Cluster Members, was elected to the Policy Council of the SA&AM Cluster for the term 2023-2026. Katowice Special Economic Zone

There are situations and events in which we participate without hesitation – such as the charity football tournament held at the fields of the Marco Football Center

Drożyzna, inflacja i sytuacja gospodarcza okiem przedsiębiorcy. Witajcie w trudnych czasach

Expensive, inflation and the economic situation through the eyes of an entrepreneur…

Radio Marek2

For 20 years, Marco Sp. z o.o. has been building the company of the future, creating the conditions for…

Portret subiektywny small

The program follows the formula of a conversation between the author – editor Marianna Dufek.. Marianny Dufek…

Korona wirus

Since important decisions have been made in solidarity by most of the world’s strongest economies…


Marco sp. z o.o. is an example of a teal company that has appeared more than once in the pages of the “Quality” magazine…


Marco sp. z o.o. is becoming part of the most important revolution in the automotive industry. This time the components produced…

Nagroda RP

On a hot note, we have great news for you! We’ve won the Economic Award from the President of the Republic of Poland in the Responsible Business category! We are proud and happy:) We would like to thank all those thanks to whom we have been recognized today, and our activities appreciated in a unique way;)…


Many people promote a style in which it is “cool” to go through life with minimal effort. At Marco we want…

Wiecej niz turkus

In the case of this company, the nature of its business recedes into the background. Although it is specialized in the production of self-adhesive labels…

Debate on the Pros and Cons of Teal Management” by Andrzej Jeznach and Marek Śliboda


Debate on the Pros and Cons of Teal Management” by Andrzej Jeznach and Marek Śliboda

What guides your selection of employees? Experience, education, financial expectations? These are the most common responses from Polish entrepreneurs…
Marka śląskie
In 2006, the Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Gliwice, together with the Polska Dziennik Zachodni magazine and the Polskie Radio Katowice station, established an honorary award called “Marka-Śląskie” (Brand-Silesian)…
Marek Śliboda - Szanse i zagrożenia w partycypacyjnym stylu zarządzania

The topic of Mark Śliboda’s speech was the opportunities and threats in the participatory management style, also known as the “teal” style

Fotograf_Bytom_sesja_biznesowa_wizerunkowa_śląsk_Gliwice (50 of 90)

Interview with Marek Śliboda, president of the management board of
Marco Sp. z o.o.


In an interview with, the CEO of the company, which aims to “make things unique”, explained why recruitment at Marco can take up to three months….


What is it like to work at Marco’s Gliwice-based company? Why is it called the dream company? What is it like to work at Marco’s Gliwice-based company? Marek Śliboda, founder of the company and president of the management board, talks about why it is worth working at Marco sp. z o.o.

On 24 April 2017, Marek Śliboda took part in the Opole Youth Forum organized by the University of Opole…